
TRALEX inc. is a translation firm (English to French) whose expertise encompasses, among other things, the fields of law and finance. We translate any documents to be filed with securities regulators, including, but not limited to, Prospectuses, Annual Information Forms and Takeover Bids, covering all industries. We also translate documents dealing with related subjects such as Initial Public Offerings, Director Responsibility and Administrative Policies.

Our associates are Certified Translators, members of the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ), the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTIC), the Association canadienne des juristes-traducteurs / Canadian Association of Legal Translators (C.A.L.T.) and the Association of Linguistic Services Managers (ALSM).

Please send any queries you may have, especially with respect to proposals, to , telephone 450 202-0704 or write to the following address: 2537, rue Trolley, Saint-Lazare (Québec)  J7T 2B1.